Posts tagged learning
Oisín (learning disability)

Before Neurofeedback, Oisín was unable to talk, only a few words, no sentences. He was not very sociable, and would leave room if strangers entered. He was good at names and places. Heard it was good so wanted to help to get Oisín to make sentences and be more sociable if possible. 

We found the experience very helpful and professional, a complete eye opener as to what can be done. Now, Oisín is able to make sentences and better conversation. He is able to sing full verses of songs! He is more sociable and will not leave the room when visitors appear. He’s very good at I-pad, and is able to get Done Deal, Tractors and Machinery and plenty of music. Now, he’s more interested in learning colours etc. and is very good at riding his bicycle.

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Enda (learning and memory and processing anomalies)

I suffer from memory problems and I am very shy. This made me withdraw from people and a little depressed. I heard about Actualise on the radio and thought it sounded like something that could help me.

My experience was excellent. Everybody was really helpful and tried to accommodate me in every way possible. Things were explained to me and I was always aware of what was going on. There has been an improvement in my memory but the biggest change has been in my confidence. Lots of people have remarked that I am much more talkative. I go out more, see my friends regularly and more willing to take part in group chats. I am much happier and more confident.

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