Expert-Guided Home Neurofeedback

Expert-Guided home neurofeedback is an at-home alternative to coming to the clinic. Perfect to treat poor attention/concentration and for “top ups” if you have been a client with us before. You just come back for a short assessment and we’ll take care of the rest online! Register your interest at the bottom of this page or arrange for a call back from one of our staff.


How does home Neurofeedback work?

You come to the clinic for an assessment as normal. Based on your symptoms, baseline EEG data and goals, we will program a headset and taylored neurofeedback training protocol which you can run at home.

We will make all the relevant decisions with you. All you need to do to start your neurofeedback training is put on a simple headset and play some games at home!

Every training program is supervised by one of our psychologists and neurofeedback specialists. Please bear in mind that home NFT is not for everyone. The decision is made based on your EEG data, so we cannot tell in advance if you will be a candidate.

The program runs via an app on your phone or tablet. You connect the Muse Headset to this app via bluetooth. We will give you log in details for the app, and when you log in, a personalised protocol will be ready for you. Multiple people can use the same headset; however, each user needs their own assessment, licence and log in details.

The sessions require you to wear the headset and connect to the app. The app picks up your brain signals which control a game or a YouTube video. The game/video will play when your brain creates the type of activity we want to increase. Otherwise it will stop. Through this process, your brain learns which types of activity we want to train.

We supervise you and track your progress

We supervise neurofeedback sessions remotely, so you can be sure your training is being looked after by one of our experts.

You can complete questionnaires and diaries online, so we can make sure neurofeedback is working for you. Depending on circumstances, we can arrange for you to come back to see us in person and check your progress.

Advantages of home neurofeedback training

Much less travel, have unlimited sessions at home, much cheaper, therapist-guided, come back to the clinic anytime.

Some disadvantages include the fact that we can only train one brain area at a time, we cannot use the 3D modelling for training (we will still use it for the assessment), and it requires an amount of motivation and organisation to train regularly. Home neurofeedback is not for everyone.

Add members of the family

You can add members of the family for a reduced rate of €100 per month

What is involved

home neurofeeback training
  • Come to the clinic for a brain scan (QEEG)

  • Buy it for yourself (we will tell you what to buy, and you will be able to keep it to use again after we have finished)

  • We set up a training protocol for you to work on at home based on your own EEG data

  • Have unlimited sessions at home, which we will monitor

  • Arrange to come back to the clinic anytime

  • Complete questionnaires/feedback online as required


You must purchase a Muse Headset which costs €260.

Initial assessment and orientation (including brain scan (QEEG) and clinical consultation): €200-350

Monthly fee: €275, which includes:

  • Unlimited sessions

  • Add another member of the family for €100/month

  • Billing is per calendar month, and begins on the first day you use the app. Billing is done via Stripe monthly in advance.

    Additional add ons (for an extra charge) include:

  • Post-neurofeedback brain scan

  • Periodic in-clinic sessions

The Muse Headset is used for Home NFT

The Muse Headset is used for Home NFT

home neurofeeback training game examples