My life was really difficult, chaotic and unmanageable. My stress levels were extremely high and my anxiety was severe to the point of panic attack. Could not attend work and minor upsets were a major issue. My mood was low and depressed also.
I have tried a lot of other treatments in the past i.e. Psychotherapy; Hypnotherapy; Yoga; Meditation; Mindfulness; CBT; Exercise; Lifestyle changes-No alcohol, with varied but not consistent change in symptoms. So I wanted to try neurofeedback.
It was an excellent experience, very comfortable environment, great team, lovely atmosphere. Very professional. My life has changed for the better, I am much more content. I have gained clarity in my thinking and organizing and planning behaviours. I have developed better insight and perspective on my life and difficulties, and they no longer feel insurmountable-my problems feel smaller and my anxiety has eased and my depression has lifted. I feel like my brain has been polished!! :)
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