Why Do Nuns Age So Well?
Keeping our brains active by learning new things can increase the brain's cognitive reserve., our brain’s ability to optimize performance through differential recruitment of brain networks and alternative cognitive strategies.
It is therefore thought that cognitive reserve can help people cope better with age-related brain changes and may also help brain recovery after injury.
Results from The Nun Study, a longitudinal study on over 600 Nuns, started by David Snowdon, University of Minnesota, shows the importance of keeping the brain active.
The study, which continues today, takes information from personal and medical history, cognitive function, and brain autopsy after death. One of the main findings of the Nun Study is that an active intellectual life can protect against the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
Brain autopsies which showed physical destruction to the brain typical of Alzheimer’s disease, have been found to not always be associated with mental deterioration before death. The leading theory as to why this has been observed has been put down to cognitive reserve, that some people have reserve of mental capacity that can keep them functioning despite the loss of brain tissue.
All sisters did show age-related decline in mental function, but those who had taught for most of their lives for example, showed more moderate outward decline (3).
Five simple tricks to keep your brain active!
Of course, it must be noted that genetics and other predisposing factors may still override the benefits of learning new things. But following a few of our tips below to keep the brain active may help!
Find a novel activity to stimulate and continually challenge your brain. Join a gardening club or learn a new language!
Take part in activities that reflect everyday activities, the more similar the training is to skills you use in everyday life, the more likely it will help you in other areas of your life.
Combine different elements that are beneficial to brain health. Social and Physical engagement have also been shown to be important for brain health. Choose activities like dancing, or tennis, which involve social and physical engagement.
Choose an activity that you enjoy. If you enroll in continuing education, study something you are interested in. You will be more likely to be motivated and committed over time.
Lastly, start challenging yourself today! The younger you start, the better your brain function will be as you age.
Check out:
How playing a musical instrument benefits your brain. Anita Collins
Nuns and the Aging Brain, The Brain with David Eagleman
Dr. Lara Boyd’s Ted talk on Neuroplasticity and personalized learning.
Further Reading:
1. R.D. Fields. White matter in learning, cognition and psychiatric disorders. Trends in Neurosciences. June 5, 2008 (online). doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2008.04.001
2. R. Patel et al. Functional brain changes following cognitive and motor skills training: A quantitative meta-analysis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. October 23, 2012 (online). doi: 10.1177/1545968312461718.
3. Lemonick, M. D., & Park, A. (2001). The nun study. Time, 157(19), 54-61.
4. Schneider, P., Scherg, M., Dosch, H. G., Specht, H. J., Gutschalk, A., & Rupp, A. (2002). Morphology of Heschl's gyrus reflects enhanced activation in the auditory cortex of musicians. Nature neuroscience, 5(7), 688.