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What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback, or more precisely “Neurofeedback Training”, is a learning-based, completely non-invasive intervention that trains the brain to function more efficiently.

Several studies have extensively shown that Neurofeedback Training is particularly effective in the treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anger management, substance abuse (addiction), and trauma. However, Neurofeedback Training has also been shown to be a very powerful resource for those who don’t have any disorder in particular but still want to improve their performance at work and life in general (“Peak Performance” training).


Our range of psychology services and assessments

  • Clinical assessments

  • Cognitive assessments (e.g. IQ testing)

  • Attainment assessments (e.g. reading, spelling, etc)

  • Educational assessments

  • Assessments of brain function using quantitative electroencephalogram (3D functional brain imaging)

  • Groups and workshops for parents and teachers/educators

  • Online training courses

  • Individual therapy sessions




ADHD/ADD is among the most commonly diagnosed disorder in children. Contrary to popular belief, ADHD is not only a disorder of childhood, as it can continue into adulthood in roughly 50% of cases. Read more >



Sadness, grief and low mood are a normal part of life. We all have these symptoms, which come and go with the normal ups and downs of life. Depression, however, is a diagnosable condition which leads. Read more >



Anxiety is a natural body and brain response. Anxiety disorders generally occur when anxiety begins to interfere with everyday functioning, like avoiding meeting friends or refusing to go to school. Read more >


Panic disorder

Do you or someone you know ever experience out of the blue attacks of anxiety? Does it come with shortness of breath or feeling smothered, palpitations or pounding heart, trembling or shaking, or chest pain or discomfort? Read more >

Please read our clinic policy to help us give you the best possible service.

Appointment schedules for NFT

It is important that NFT is made a priority as you engage in the programme. Like any training program, we hope you will invest fully to yield the greatest results from your time with us. We understand the difficulty people face in taking appointments that will interfere with school or work. Although we have extended our services through evenings and weekends we cannot facilitate everyone outside of regular business hours.

To facilitate everyone fairly, our policy is to offer later appointments to those outside of Dublin and the greater Dublin area.

Feedback from our clients tells us that investing in the NFT programme for its duration, and making it a priority, means the long term benefits outweigh the short term costs. Please note, if you request a letter for school to explain absence, or request time off, it is our policy to send a copy to the school as well as giving you a copy for your records. We can only do this once you begin your sessions. 

Being late for an Appointment

Please call ahead if possible. Once you arrive, we will try to facilitate your appointment. However, we may have to alter the amount of training you receive during the session as to not infringe on the next appointment.

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot make your next appointment, please give as much notice as possible. If you cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours notice, a €40 cancellation fee will apply. You can pay either over the phone by card that day or it will be added onto the next session’s bill.

'No Show' for an Appointment

If no effort is made to cancel an appointment, you will be charged the full fee for the missed session.

Rescheduling appointments

It is your responsibility to make contact to reschedule missed appointments to keep up the training schedule. Due to our large volume of clients, we may not be able to facilitate a change in schedule. However, we will make every effort to facilitate all of our clients and we may put you on a waiting list for an appointment on a particular day and contact you if a session becomes available.

Mobile Phones

All mobile phones must be turned off in the NFT Clinic rooms - this goes for parents too! 

Accompanying Clients to their session

At the clinic, there is a comfortable waiting area for those accompanying clients, with free wifi. We acknowledge people’s curiosity regarding what happens during a client’s training. If the client is comfortable with additional people in the room, we are happy to allow others to observe. However, it is requested that if others are in the room during the session, they remain quiet so as to not distract the client once training has begun. This includes refraining from using laptops and mobile phones. 

Training Neurofeedback Providers

At Actualise, we continue to teach and train new staff and students, which involves their observation of NFT sessions. If you are not comfortable with this, please let us know.

Child Protection Policy

All Actualise staff are fully Garda Vetted and trained in the principles of Child Protection and sign up to the Actualise Child Protection Guidelines. These guidelines are based on the Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children. We operate, as per that document, on the basis of the following principle:

“The welfare of children is of paramount importance”

For more information on Child Protection, you may find the following links useful:

A copy of the Actualise Child Protection Policy is available to view at our Reception.



Here are some of the agencies, companies, universities and services with whom we work. We run a range of research and clinical projects with our partners. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about the work we are doing with these groups.

Academic Research

We are committed to best practice in our clinic, and actively engage in academic research to maintain the highest standards. Our most recent Research Grant, with Dr. Simon McCarthy-Jones of Trinity College Dublin, brings together our services, the Department of Psychiatry at Trinity College and St. James’s Hospital. In this clinical trial, which is pending registration, we are investigating a possible role of neurofeedback in the treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations. We are delighted to have Dr. Francesco Amico join our team to head up this project.


What former Actualise clients have to say