What do we do at Actualise?
We are Ireland’s largest provider of Neurofeedback Training (in-person and remote). Read more >

ADHD Treatment
ADHD/ADD is among the most commonly diagnosed disorders in children. We use Neurofeedback for the treatment of ADHD, in conjunction with other professionals.

We offer both in-clinic and remote neurofeedback options for ADHD, mood disorders, executive function disorders and more. Read more >
Watch this short chat with Actualise founder Dr Michael Keane at a recent IRELAND AM interview
What former Actualise clients have to say
Before Neurofeedback, Oisín was unable to talk, only a few words, no sentences. He was not very sociable, and would leave room if strangers entered. He was good at names and places. Heard it was good so wanted to help to get Oisín to make sentences and be more sociable if possible.
We found the experience very helpful and professional, a complete eye opener as to what can be done. Now, Oisín is able to make sentences and better conversation. He is able to sing full verses of songs! He is more sociable and will not leave the room when visitors appear. He’s very good at I-pad, and is able to get Done Deal, Tractors and Machinery and plenty of music. Now, he’s more interested in learning colours etc. and is very good at riding his bicycle.
I was experiencing bouts of severe depression with fatigue and no motivation, increased appetite and weight gain, suicide ideation & obsessive disturbing thoughts. A friend of a friend recommended Neurofeedback Training to me. My experience was very positive. Michael and the team were very kind and eager to help.
My mood is generally more stable, though I feel I have reached a ceiling which is probably due to my medication.
My life was really difficult, chaotic and unmanageable. My stress levels were extremely high and my anxiety was severe to the point of panic attack. Could not attend work and minor upsets were a major issue. My mood was low and depressed also.
I have tried a lot of other treatments in the past i.e. Psychotherapy; Hypnotherapy; Yoga; Meditation; Mindfulness; CBT; Exercise; Lifestyle changes-No alcohol, with varied but not consistent change in symptoms. So I wanted to try neurofeedback.
It was an excellent experience, very comfortable environment, great team, lovely atmosphere. Very professional. My life has changed for the better, I am much more content. I have gained clarity in my thinking and organizing and planning behaviours. I have developed better insight and perspective on my life and difficulties, and they no longer feel insurmountable-my problems feel smaller and my anxiety has eased and my depression has lifted. I feel like my brain has been polished!! :)
With neurofeedback training you really need to persevere and give it a chance. Results might not happen for a while but eventually you see it does work. I feel that my depression is less severe and has eased. You just need to have faith in the system. I think there has been a definite change in the depression as it is less severe and I feel that I am much better able to cope in a crisis. Aside from the depression I do think I’m not as anxious, although anxiety is a part of the depression. I came originally to deal with my ongoing depression and I’ve achieved that. It is not gone away but it is very much reduced. I would definitely recommend it to a friend.
I suffered from terrifying panic attacks for over 8 years. I was violently ill for hours with each attack, suffering from headaches, heart palpitations, sweating and trembling. I tried many forms of help including counselling, hypnotherapy and medication. But nothing seemed to stop the attacks. The fear of an attack was forcing me to limit my life in many ways. I read about neurofeedback in a Sunday paper and searched for a provider. I was very lucky to find Dr. Michael Keane at Actualise. The treatment was painless. Since I had neurofeedback treatment I have not had a panic attack. I am now able to go out socially without worry of an attack. My confidence has increased so much that I now forget to carry my rescue remedy with me! Neurofeedback has given me my life back. Thank you Dr. Keane.
I did 20 neurofeedback sessions with Dr. Keane during 2012 and early 2013. My interest in neurofeedback came from the fact that I could not cope with the side effects of stimulants and atomoxemine alone was not helping me deal with all the problems I had as a consequence of ADHD. After having a look at different providers, I chose Dr. Keane’s service because they seemed the most qualified providers in the Dublin area. Michael Keane was kind enough to meet me before starting the treatment to answer some of the doubts I had. He also took the time during the treatment to explain the science behind neurofeedback, what could be realistically expected from the treatment, how the procedure works and was in general very supportive.
Neurofeedback is hard work, a bit like lifting weights with the brain. But the hard effort pays off. Six months after having finalised sessions, I have more control of my capacity to concentrate and to stop daydreaming. I therefore recommend neurofeedback as part of the treatment to deal with adult ADHD, together with medication, education about the impact of ADHD on executive functions and a balanced lifestyle.
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